

Friday morning I had to wake up at two in order to catch the 6:15 jetBlue flight to take both my parents and myself to Rochester, New York.

Which, is the complete opposite of Florida with our upper middle-class neighborhoods with all houses look the same.

When the plane landed, I got the impression of rust and steel--the after-effects of bone-barren trees tearing out the gray sky's lining just like the top of that Cuban flan that we have to gently tap with our silver, shiny forks. And of course, I'm confused all over and thinking twice about whether I truly want to live in a place that only sees the sun six times a year.

But I do. There's nothing better for academic success than ass-freezing weather.

But we got to Wallace Hall (or, Admissions) and I greeted our good friend: the assistant director of admissions, who is probably the loveliest person I've met so far.

Then some middle stuff happened and I was able to meet several--if not all--of our numerous deans, and obviously I met other pre-freshmen.

And this is when I met Andrew. It's also when I learned that Korean and Polish are certainly not a bad mix--the kids can come out looking irresistably fuckable.

So the guy's Polish-Korean and I'm amazed because I thought I had everyone beat with my Cuban-Chinese heritage.

Then a bunch of stuff happened and we walked around campus.

With the help of my host (who is a senior and Optics major) I--with success--crashed my first ever college toga party...and Andrew was there, which was fun because we exchanged cell phones by the end of the night.

But there's always a little voice--expecially after getting off the phone with one's loving boyfriend an hour prior to that--telling you that it's just not right.

But technically, I am not doing anything...I haven't done anything, either. Yet Saturday morning when I woke up, my heart beat a bit faster when my phone began vibrating and looking at the screen, I saw that it was him.

I knew something like this was going to happen: I meet some other guy, who happens to be a pre-engineering major (also, I'm a pre-econ/poli-sci), and who--like myself--plays the piano and is crazy about Chopin...and, and, and...I'm attracted to him. I have a small crush on him. Just a small one, though.

So my boyfriend asks last night: "Did you meet any interesting people?"

My reply was: "No. Not really."

aeka at 8:59 a.m.