
Much work to be done

So far, things are somewhat organized, and I have managed to keep on top of the iron-clad schedule that I have prepared for myself.

Currently, I'm working on my voting article, which will be due in two weeks' time.

I'm a bit hesitant about handing out a survey to the senior class, seeing as how the sample wouldn't be random, and most likey not represensative of the entire population of voting teenagers.

Generally, my article focuses on the importance of voting, particularly in this state, and in this time of year--mere months away from the national election.

If I had my way, I would back up Ralphie all the way and vote green, but I have to be realistic in a situation such as this one. I can't remember the last time a third-party candidate came close to or even won the presidency, save for the election of 1896 (if I am not mistaken about the year) with the expansion of the currency. After that, it was the Bull-Moose Party, and poor Teddy's popularity still couldn't help clean up the reputation that third parties had gained with American citizens.

But to me, third parties have always brought up the issues directly, because they can afford to. I don't trust John Kerry, and this is probably the one time in which I will agree with the Texans, when they refer to him as "Senator Flip-flop". However, after Edwards being announced his running mate, my fears were somewhat calmed...somewhat.

Especially now, after I have read A People's History of the United States several times, I don't tend to trust anything. Also, shouldn't we be doing something regarding silent communities, who chose not to partake in the democratic process? (and I use the term "democratic" quite loosely).

In studying American History, I basically swallowed that book whole--that's how familiar I am with The Enduring Vision, and not to mention the numerous essays and Howard Zinn speeches I had to listen to. In the process, I changed my political views like I would undergarments. Either way, I know exactly where I stand.

aeka at 1:31 p.m.