
I am such a capitalist

"I feel quite perturbed", I begin to say.

"Why is that?" Asks Hope quietly.

"I'm a liberal, yet people mistake me for a right-winger because of the clothes I wear--they just base it on my appearance, which is in no way related with my political leanings."

She looks up from her coffee cup and eyes me for a moment before speaking:

"Well, shopping at J. Crew and drinking a Pellegrino every chance you can get certainly does not help."

"I suppose you're right," I say, after picking at the fruit on my plate. I then continue, "Should I become communist?"

Her eyebrows then raise up, and she smiles before saying--in the most pleasant voice:

"Now, dear...let's not get these silly ideas into your head. I enjoy taking a piss at the Texans just as much as you do, every once in a while, by declaring my allegiance to the commie party in order to piss them off. However, you and I both know that you are too much of a damned capitalist to be communist."

I bite my lip, and begin to speak:

"Do I really come off as some raging capitalist? Oh my..."

"Oh yes...absolutely. Then again, I suffer from the same vile. Listen, if the proletariat needs my help, I will be more than happy to inquire if Banana Republic has a "small" Che Guevara t-shirt that I can purchase."

I now begin to laugh hysterically, and I finally do realize that she is right.

aeka at 7:58 a.m.