
Where there is a will...

The last few days have been filled with momentous events enough to leave me shivering in a state of shock. Thursday, I was "romantically discarded", an event which I chose to not take any particular offense in seeing as how my ego/self-esteem have suddenly reached a state resembling homeostasis. If the thought goes through your mind, dear reader, as to how I have responded to such a thing, and you suddenly find yourself questioning photographs and other mementos...I discarded them.

The pictures as well as all of the other rememberances have been discarded, not because I resent the person--this is quite the opposite, we are indeed still friends--but because I have a strong dislike for memories and strongly believe that there is nowhere to go except forward. I am a creature that will forever be haunted by memories that softly call out to me like the mystic windchimes in the rain. I remember once I said in an entry, "I don't like endings", yet, I must now realize that each beginning has an end, not necessarily detrimental.

With a bitter-sweet feeling in my heart, I left on Sunday morning for Washington, D.C. for Georgetown University. Walking through this majestic campus filled with the ominous gothic-style buildings which loom about the maples, I am suddenly reminded of why itis that I am here--my raison detra if you will.

Yesterday, as I walked out of class and onto that quaint little street covered in sunshine, I said to myself through the soft summer breeze,

"here, here I can write...it is here that I will let my soul grow."

My soul will continue with its cultivation each day, and I find that with time I become more wise.

aeka at 7:12 a.m.