
Election Day

Election Day...

For myself and Ben, this day is like Christmas. At 2:45, we will all meet outside the office of the Supervisor of Elections because Benjamin has managed to acquire a 40-foot float (which, coincidentally just happens to be Ralph Nader's old float *sigh*), we will drive through downtown (and, yes, this is legal) in our Kerry/Edwards pins and T-shirts...and hope all goes well.

According to the Mayan calendar, today is a sort of Judgement Day...and tomorrow is Trial by Fire.

I'm skipping school for this day, and I hope that tonight, I will not be disappointed. Meaning, when I wake up tomorrow morning, I expect to wake up to the newest reality: that indeed, John Kerry has been elected President of the United States.

Perfect timing, because my voting article came out two days ago...and the entire school (including the targeted eligible-to-vote senior class) has probably read/glanced through it.

If Kerry wins, my next article will be entitled The First 100 Days. However, if Bush wins, the name of my next political article will be: Letters From the Underground.

Float/last minute protest at 2:45, victory, then...partying.

I think that Ben and I have made clear to our teachers that if we're not in school tomorrow, it's because we're either drunk with joy, or drowning in sorrow.

Also, earlier last week (I believe), someone attempted to run over Katherine Harris...

And, I will take this time to say I'm sorry...that he missed!

Also--does anyone simply love the name, Spiro T. Agnew? You know, putting aside his reputation, he had one kick-ass name!

aeka at 12:00 p.m.