

This place is familiar. In the past years, I've written so much in here and now I'm almost alien to the idea of ever having been a heartbroken 17 year old girl. Or a thoughtful 18 year old.

To read back through old entries would be eerie--heart-shattering, even. I'd have to re-visit beautiful, glass-textured moments. Moments at whose ephemeral existence we laugh at, at some point later on. Then we sigh incredulously, perhaps not truly and fully believing that they were there, and we were in them.

I can't remember this place, even if I tried...everything that was tied to writing in here is now gone.

Writing itself is difficult--I can't get a word out.

I think I'm dumb, or maybe just sappy.

Fuck, who knows...

aeka at 9:05 p.m.