
Love and Marriage

The past week has been rainy here in Florida. I've experienced that oppressing humidity that reminds you that you live near the water. Rain is simply rain, but it's also tied to memories. Before graduating--in fact--before thinking of graduating, I used to walk in the school courtyard on rainy afternoons, and towards the parking lot. Certainly, I'd be arguing with myself on whether or not--assuming I was going to have a salad afterwards--I would use Balsamic Vinegar.

I went to Pierce's show last week. Vaudeville, rag-time play--and I must say, it was brilliant. I sat in the first row, absolutely delighted at the actors' wit and humor, when suddenly, one of the actors pulls me up on stage. Immediately--and obviously--my reaction was to say "no". Forgetting my inhibitions, I went up on stage and danced the Charleston.

Walking towards the car, I was almost breathless with the excitement of the night. I kept laughing and smiling and both Pierce and I repeated our favorite line:

"Papa du! Ya' want 'dis mayyy'anaise san-wich?"

"You know what you can do wit' 'dat mayyy'anaise san-wich? You can sits on it...an' slaaaide..."

We giggled like little kids as I helped him put his bass in the trunk. It's also when he confessed to me that backstage, thirty minutes before the show started, he instructed one of the actors to pull me up on stage--it was all planned...

Pierce is currently reading Crime and Punishment, a book I already read two years back. Of course, I had to refrain from giving him any more information about the meaning of some things. There are obvious patterns in the book, though. He hates his mother, therefore, he kills the pawnkeep, who in some twisted way--like his landlord--is is doting mother. Yet, the brother-sister relationship that Rodyon Romanovich Raskolnikov has with his sister is still...questionable, and one that Pierce and I have yet to discuss.

We always go to the same coffee shop--the one I discovered over a year ago. Because of his being Italian, I insisted that I buy the both of us a Pellegrino, on ice, with lemon. I must admit that I have never had Pellegrino with lemon, but fortunately, it did the drink justice. Then again, it's only mineral water.

Just as a sidenote, Pierce doesn't drink, nor smoke, nor does he engage in any pre-marital sexual activity. I admire him.

Another sidenote: most of the names I use in this diary are "real", and I do it to protect the privacy of my friends.

Alastair called Thursday--that same Thursday I was out with Pierce, which made me terribly sorry I had missed his call. I did speak to him Sunday, when he told me that he was currently in Montreal, on his way up to Quebec City the next day. I miss him terribly.

It's painful to not be able to speak to him everyday--much less see him everyday--like I used to. Yet, I understand that there are sacrifices to be made.

At the beginning of the conversation, he told me he had great news. Obviously--in my mind--the best news that he could have for me was that he got through writing an entire page in his book.

"I'll be able to buy my house in a few months" he said.

Now that is incredibly exciting. Of course, he said that because of fire and safety regulations...he cannot build me the annexed physics lab that I've always wanted. A very likely story. However, I am allowed to decorate. This calls for a series of Martha Stewart: Living magazines.

Somewhere in the middle of our conversation, he blurted out: "I love you very much, Libet..."

This takes me back to one year back, I was jogging one silent dusk, during the summer, and I thought of that. At that point, we were not yet in love. Yet, I always want to rush everything. I kept asking myself when he would say those words. And...could he ever say them to me? He did, eventually...

And now I sit here wondering...when on earth does he plan on asking me to marry him? This one's a bit more complicated, I suppose...

aeka at 9:20 a.m.