

When I had to argue about the Cuban embargo, I did it with passion. It is my ardent belief that the Cubans have been held hostage under an absurd regime for much too long (similar to the ones the Americans have under King George II). The worst punishment that any human being can recieve is to be intellectually cut off from the rest of the world, and to be obligated to read books containing the phrases such as "Viva Fidel".

Before the revolution (as many of you may very well know), there was a sharp class division as well as rampant poverty. Of course, thanks to our "great saviors" (who won thanks to an antiquated boat that almost sank because someone left the water running) equality was spread throughout the miserable island.

However, such is not the end, and after seeing the state in such turmoil, the revolutionaries decided upon

granting equality all throughout. The only slight problem with this ingenious plan was that they made everyone equally poor.

Thus, came the olive-green uniforms, the red scarfs that I had to wear to school, the systematic learning of Marx, Engels, and watching Fidel Castro a.k.a. Nero, make his devastatingly long speeches.

Still, the story does not end there. Civil rights--property, privacy, and a plethora of other inalienable rights i.e. "radio marti" were lost in the sands of time. Therefore, I don't want to hear any bullshit about the advantages that Fidel and his revolution brought to Cuba, because the starving people can't feed their family on an ideology nor values, nor principals.

I will say this once, and I will repeat it until it is a reality:


aeka at 9:04 a.m.