
Viva la Libertad!

I am finished! My months of lethargy and oppression are finally over as the infernal Advanced Placement American History Examination makes its way to...wherever it's designated.

I feel a bit vague on the multiple-choice part of the test, only because I didn't finish on time. I finished 76 questions out of the designated 93. In regards to the essays, the Document-based response threw me off at first (because I seldom like to write about colonialism), yet it was a topic which I deemed bearable. The next two essays also didn't pose much of a threat. I must confess, however, that I am a bit frustrated in regards to my last essay--I didn't finish it completely. However, because it was a topic which truly interested me, I was able to coherently and effectively convey my opinion.

In summation, the dreadful exam is over, and I am free at last.

"Free at last, free at last, thank God (I apologize to the atheists) almighty, I'm free at last..."

Now...what is my purpose here on earth? I have completed my long task, but I find that without self-inflicted torture, I have no academic purpose.

For the next few weeks, I will surely be struggling with my new identity as a freed student. Thus, I have now come to the delightful decision that I should--for the next several months--engage in the activities of an unemployed philosopher/starving artist.

My first action will be the following: sit in my backyard whilst sipping tea and heartily laughing to Salinger and Voltaire and praising Kerouac.

Relief is beyond sweet...I love everyone today.

Therefore, everyone, you have my unsolicited love...for now.

aeka at 11:27 a.m.