
She waited

Under the dim streetlight she waited, with a yawning river of burning stars that flowed above her. The tranquil night cloaked her useless limbs with a consoling emptiness, and it appeased a fire that smoldered within the ice that had already become her soul. Her calloused heart professed relentless hope, which turned into an echo that lost itself within the lingering fog.

Engulfed by the winter�s unforgiving tempest she waited, while gripping the leathery cover of a book in her trembling hands. She stood with a frail body that shivered under a wind ablaze with frost; piercing raindrops rapidly trickled down her scoured face. A flicker of light gently beamed from two timeless stars within her black-pearl eyes before fading with the hot tears that flowed to her indigo-painted lips, telling her the truth through a salt-drenched kiss.

Amidst a brisk twilight in the fall she waited. The moon�s pearl light cut through the deadened sky to paint her own skin of silver, and the poignant sound of crows pierced through her ears. Lifeless leaves covered her body, as their crackled dance lead her into a honeyed trance of sleep. Eternal spring came upon the barren moor that was her spirit, and finally dispersed her pathos as the morning sun disperses the heavy fog. Her satin cloud of sleep was void of reality, and from this, she chose not to return. The barbed vines of bleakness no longer her keepers, her wounds could now heal.

aeka at 4:55 p.m.