
res ipsa loquitor

Is it possible to have a split personality? Or to go into a trance at a certain time of the day? Usually, I start to feel depressed and melodramatic at night, and that's when I write those entries. I just change moods quite rapidly, and right now, I'm only tired.

It's so still in my room right now, and the only thing that I can hear are the typing of the keys in my computer. I am not in school right now, and when I did go to hand in my business report on Greek coporations, I got a detention. It seems like the substitute didn't appreciate my doing precalculus homework in class. What was I supposed to do? She wasn't teaching, only sitting back in and talking in this monotonous voice. Basically, she gave us all a free ticket to do whatever, and I will take that as a verbal contract. Besides, I wasn't realy off task if she wasn't even teaching anything. We had already read the book and we had already taken the test. She did not give us our assignment until half-way throughout the class, when I was speaking to Ben about eugenics. I distinctly remember this...I was only finishing up my precalculus worksheet. But, I will be generous and keep my mouth shut, after all, the woman knew nothing about law.

I have to finish reading my witness affidavits today, and fax one of the law teachers my direct examination questions. Just because I'm absent, that does not mean that it's free day for my witnesses. We need to get ready for next month's competition, and I need to make my witness statements ironclad--like a damn good contract you can't get out of. I will beat those bastards from Manatee High...those pre-mature attorneys, they don't deserve to practice law--they really don't.

I hate being absent, and the only reason why I am absent is to finish up work, and one good thing about today's absence is the fact that Jared cannot stalk me today.

"Have you no decency sir?"

He creeps me out, he really does. Not only that, but because of the fact that he's pretty smart, he thinks that's a greenlight to act superior to everyone else around him--including me sometimes. I'll have him know that I am not impressed by the size of his IQ!

I'm not going to write another poetic entry right now, because I would have to be in the mood.

The Catcher in the Rye--a decent read. No one else likes it, but I find it quit amusing, and if I were a guy, I would want to be a regular Holden Caulfield. Nothing really seems to please him, and that's alright I suppose, although he can talk a lot of garbage...but there is no doubt that he reveals the world as it really is--no romantic notions.

res ipsa loquitor...lo que tenia en mente...ella debe de estar disgustada..pero, mierda, vale mierda!

aeka at 11:05 a.m.