
Fucking idiots...

So here I am--dying. I felt the same way I did a week ago, and frankly, I'm fucking tired. When am I going to feel healthy again? My head feels like it's about to explode, so I'd appreciate it if it would just get it over with and stop torturing me.

I asked David today if he thought that my behavior was erratic, and he said "A little, but not enough to be concerned about..." according to Jared, it is. Why is it that people find it so odd that I don't have a boyfriend? Why must emphasize on that so much? Is that all that people care about? First of all, there is no way on earth that anyone would ever get in a relationship with me, and if they did, they'd get tired anyway.

However, that is not what I'm here to talk about. I want to express my grievances. I am getting exasperated with these idiots in my AP class--particularly Lauren. Everytime that we walk into Forensics, she always has to ask me something school-related. "What's your grade in AP?" "Have you ever gotten an eight or a seven on the essays?" "So, Libet, are you done with your project?"

It's not what she asks, it's how she asks it, like she's trying to mock me. I believe that she is beyond fake, and she knows (she makes it her god-fucking business to know) that I have gotten eights and sevens on essays that she's gotten five's on. You know what? If she can't handle the fact that she can't be perfect at everything, then I fucking suggest suicide. I know she's fake, and unlike Ariana, I know when people don't like me--that's right, she talks shit about all morning. Therefore, I don't even know why she bothers talking to me--I don't like her,and she doesn't like me. Personally, I believe that she's too fucking competitive for such a non-idealist such as herself. It's ok, if you want to be competitive, but you'll lose with me.

aeka at 2:48 p.m.