
Physics...sweet physics

Today I'm sitting in Physics class, and Mrs. H begins to lecture on equilibrium--Thermal Equilibrium that is. When a hot body and a cold body are placed in contact, there is a transfusion of thermal energy--heat--between the two. There comes a point when there is no more interchanging and the temperature of the two remains constant. Thermal Equilibrium has been reached. Well, this not only applies to Thermodynamics, but it also applies to many other aspects of life--Osmosis, and even radioactive isotopes. They are all trying to reach some sort of equilibrium. Everything tries to do this, and it's almost like a natural order. You can sit and think what makes up for this tendency and give gravity all the credit. However, gravity isn't even a force, but more like an existing field around every object that has mass. Gravity is more like plastic, a very bendable plastic. Like a trampoline--the fat kid sits down and sinks, pulling any other objects into his "field". Why? Why? Why? What makes this up? The electromagnetic forces? Yes, but not completely--electromagnetic forces are forces that exist between all particles--magnetic. We need to go back further--atomic constituents. I hate this! This has gripped my attention from the moment she mentioned equilibrium and it won't leave me alone until I fruitlessly attempt to write a paper on it, get it shot straight to hell, and then go back to the drawing board. Yes, remember the "I want to genetically alter a Virus, blah blah blah" Despite the fact that it was laughed at by Jared "You can't genetically alter a Virus.." Aaron and David agreed that it's possible. Of course it's possible, and simply because the bonds within the Nitrogenous bases are Hydrogen bonds. While H-bonds are the strongest of the intermolecular forces, they are not the strongest out of ALL bonds, therefore they are easy to break. So, I CAN genetically alter a Virus...right after I finish my thesis on equilibrium. Oh! I found out the loveliest piece of information today--the universe is condensing to the point where it will only exist in a crowded space. From there there will be another explosion and we can start all over again. Maybe this time, Dolphins will rule the world--I sleep safely at night with this on my mind....

aeka at 8:23 p.m.